Welcome to Brady's ePortfolio! 




Thank you for visiting my ePortfolio.  Here you will find out a little bit about my goals, my education, my work experience and my life outside of the classroom.  Just click one of the headers above to be wisked away into a deeper dimension of my subconsciousness.  Or read below to learn a little bit more about who Brady is and what Brady likes.  I hope you enjoy...


As you see from the titles above my name is Brady.  I don't think there's any need for a last name, I like to keep things informal.  Besides, I don't answer to a Mr. anything. 

Well since your here why don't I tell you a little bit about myself.  I have been married for nearly a decade to a beautiful lady named Emily.  We have two children together, one boy and one girl.  Their nicknames are "The Finner" and "Beans" respectively.  I like simple things like watching movies, playing video games, UFC mixed martial arts and playing legos with my kids.  Look around my ePortfolio to find out some more exciting and interesting facts about me.  Plus, to give my visitors a better understanding of the type of person I am, I have included some of my favorite things below.  Perhaps you like the same things I do...


My Favorites

 Favorite Movies:

  • American Beauty
  • On the Waterfront
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Goodfellas
  • Citizen Kane


Favorite Music Albums:

  • Abbey Road - The Beatles
  • Electric Ladyland - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
  • Led Zepplin I - Led Zepplin
  • Led Zepplin II - Led Zepplin
  • Blood on the Tracks - Bob Dylan


Favorite Comedians:

  • Greg Hahn
  • Maria Bamford
  • Tommy Johnagin
  • Jimmy Pardo
  • Richard Pryor


Favorite Video Games:

  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Tetris (the original)
  • Star Wars:  The Force Unleashed
  • Pac-Man


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